Friday, July 9, 2010

Ready To Go, Finally

July 10, 2010

A 47 pound bag full of dental instruments and supplies sits in the middle of the living room. Another 22-inch bag and a back pack are packed and ready to go. I fly out in a few hours to the diamond mining town of Koidu, in the Kono district of Sierra Leone, via London.

I have come a long way to be physically and mentally ready for the trip to SL, well, for the most part. A village of people helped get me here. Ex-Peace Corps workers shared their compassion, experiences and advice. My dental colleagues/coworkers donated instruments, supplies, cash, and brainstormed with me on logistics of dental work in the barest of conditions. Friends listened to my agonizing worries of diseases, safety, heat, humidity, discomfort, poor sanitation, and other unknowns. GAF ( interns' blogs described their life and work at the clinic which made me cry and laugh, their work and experiences took my breath away. My family indulged me in pursuing this opportunity which most likely meant no family vacation this summer.

Thank you all from my heart.

1 comment:

  1. Best wishes for a safe and rewarding experience!

    Barr and Connie
